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Our workshops
and keynotes

Making meetings rare, fun, and productive again.

We are on a mission to change how the world thinks about meetings. We want to break the cycle of your calendar being overbooked. We want to create a culture where no one has to sit through a boring or unproductive meeting again.

This 3 hour facilitation training is packed with practical tips, tricks, and tools to help your team make the most of any time spent in meetings, whether in-person, online, or hybrid!

We’ll spend time focusing on the cost of meetings and even question whether they’re needed at all.

By the end of the workshop, every participant will feel empowered, whatever their role, to cheekily and positively disrupt bad or outdated meetings habits.

One of the most useful meetings I've ever been to! My meetings have a clear purpose and feel more driven and results orientated.


Get email overload under control to gain clarity, focus, and produce your best work.

If your inbox is overloaded and email is taking over your life, spend half a day with us, and we’ll help you get it all under control. You’ll see email in a different way and learn to love it again.

Practical, individual at-desk implementation, supported by your Productivity Ninja®, will help you clear your inbox by the time we leave. We’ll offer you tools to convert emails into actions, as well as tips, tricks, and Ninja-style email moves for your organization’s software.

It was 5 years ago when I attended your workshop. Inbox still at zero.

Paul, Sky

A Weekly Productivity Ninja® Program.

Feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or overworked?

In need of some motivation, structure, or clarity in your work? Want a better work-life balance? Want to learn how to deliver and execute from leading productivity experts?

Our six week productivity program will help you gain control, clarity, momentum… and much more!

Our expert Productivity Ninjas will guide you and a deliberately intimate group of fellow-travellers through some of the key principles from the ‘How to be a Productivity Ninja’ book.

You’ll put things immediately into practice as you go. We’ll build up a set of new habits that will give you more structure, clarity, and control.

We’ll also focus on the more subtle, human elements that mess up our productivity or stress us out, like how to overcome procrastination, how to be kinder to ourselves, and how to manage what’s going on outside of work, too.

Absolutely loved the '6 Weeks to Ninja Program' experience. If you are looking for a transformative program in personal productivity, this is your go-to address.

Sarah, Scott Coaching

Avoid Distractions. Get Your Best Work Done. Make Space for What Matters.

Our approach turns traditional time management training on its head.

Overwhelmed? Struggling with constant distractions, information overload, and a rapidly changing business environment? Under pressure to juggle productivity and wellbeing? Challenging time ahead? We’re here to help.

Time is not your most precious resource: your attention is. We help you manage attention and focus, projects and actions, as well as choices and habits.

At the end of this full-day, deep-dive workshop, with at-device implementation, you will have developed and implemented the systems and techniques set out in Graham Allcott’s book, ‘How to be a Productivity Ninja.’

You’ll reduce stress by eliminating those nagging feelings of doubt, guilt, and overload panic, and replace them with playful, purposeful, and productive momentum.

Loved the training. I'm implementing it in my day-to-day life and I definitely see improvements in my productivity.

Luis, BNP Paribas

Be inspired. Form good habits. Transform the way you work.

Overwhelmed? Feeling under pressure with constant distractions, information overload, and a rapidly changing business environment? Struggling to juggle productivity and wellbeing? Need help managing expectations? Challenging time ahead? We’re here to help.

Our approach turns traditional time management training on its head. Time is not your most precious resource: your attention is. We help you manage attention and focus, projects and actions, as well as choices and habits.

A Productivity Ninja is calm and prepared, but also skilled and ruthless in dealing with the many enemies of productivity and wellbeing. During this Productivity Keynote, we’ll share with you the 9 Characteristics of the Productivity Ninja and help you identify specific ways you can implement them.

Genuinely the best training course I've been on - that's coming from a massive training-sceptic.



Making it stick!

We're passionate about creating real change that lasts and truly embedding new habits. That's why every workshop participant gets exclusive access to The Productivity Ninja Academy

A tablet device displays the 'Productivity Ninja Academy' website on the display

Let's get the ball rolling

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Think Productive WESA