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6 Weeks to Ninja

A Weekly Productivity Ninja® Program.

Feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or overworked?

In need of some motivation, structure, or clarity in your work? Want a better work-life balance? Want to learn how to deliver and execute from leading productivity experts?

Our six week productivity program will help you gain control, clarity, momentum… and much more!

Our expert Productivity Ninjas will guide you and a deliberately intimate group of fellow-travellers through some of the key principles from the ‘How to be a Productivity Ninja’ book.

You’ll put things immediately into practice as you go. We’ll build up a set of new habits that will give you more structure, clarity, and control.

We’ll also focus on the more subtle, human elements that mess up our productivity or stress us out, like how to overcome procrastination, how to be kinder to ourselves, and how to manage what’s going on outside of work, too.

Absolutely loved the '6 Weeks to Ninja Program' experience. If you are looking for a transformative program in personal productivity, this is your go-to address.

Sarah, Scott Coaching

Making it stick!

We're passionate about creating real change that lasts and truly embedding new habits. That's why every workshop participant gets exclusive access to The Productivity Ninja Academy

A tablet device displays the 'Productivity Ninja Academy' website on the display

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