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Our workshops
and keynotes

Unlocking creativity & resilience in the face of adversity.

In a world obsessed with fact hacks, quick wins, ruthless efficiency, and Instagram-perfection, struggle has become taboo.

But what if we’re all wrong about getting it wrong? What if struggle isn’t a battle to fight, a trap to avoid, or a sign of weakness? What if struggle is precisely where the magic happns and where we do our best, most important work?

Without glorifying struggle, we can face it with confidence. We’ll guide you through the landscape of struggle and out the other side. You’ll leave with a new way of seeing struggle that strengthens your relationships and resilience, enabling more growth and innovation.

Brilliant session. Love the 3 S's. Looking forward to using this with my team.

Steve, KP Snacks

Upgrade your plate. Transform your day.

We all know the benefits of healthy eating. In practice, it can be challenging due to busy work schedules and lifestyles. But what if your meals boosted your productivity and increased your focus? What if a few easy upgrades could tranform your plate and your entire day at the same time?

In this masterclass, we simplify the often complex world of nutriton, focusing on the key practices we need to make regular energizing choices. You’ll learn adoptable and sustainable habits, no matter your schedule, cooking skills, or fridge contents!

I liked everything! Great tips to improve my eating habits and health.

Soraia, BNP Paribas

Bossing the tech.

Outlook, Teams, OneNote, SharePoint, ToDo… the list goes on!

Microsoft applications are designed to serve the user and improve their productivity, yet so many of our clients tell us these same applications are in fact the barriers.

This workshop is designed for humans – not technology geeks (though geeks are always welcome!). Learn how to utilize and connect essential features across a range of Microsoft applications to take control of your attention and mindset.

I thought I knew a lot about Microsoft but there were so many tools which will hugely help my organization and time management. And will help me support my team better.

Emma, Grace Eyre

Empower your team. Reclaim your time.

Delegating – and doing it brilliantly – empowers your team to think and problem-solve in new and innovative ways. The result: You build a culture of engaged and motivated members, rather than one of overloaded and exhausted managers.

This workshop shares our Productivity Ninja® approach to masterful delegation and reveals the unstoppable benefits of delegation, allowing you to reclaim your personal time and reshape your culture.

This workshop is for people who must delegate (up, down, sideways, internally, or externally) and focuses on challenging existing assumptions.

A good portion of the workshop is spent practicing effective strategies and techniques, so that you and your colleagues thrive as humans in the digital office.

I gained invaluable insights that will enhance innovation and growth within my team and organization.

Mohammad, Dubai Electric & Water Authority

Create long-lasting habits & transform your working relationships.

Applying Gretchen Rubin’s powerful personality profiling model to your world of work will transform your understanding of what motivates you and your colleagues. And it will also open a whole new toolbox on how to communicate with stakeholders and customers at every level.

During this session, we’ll explore each tendency and help you identify which tendency applies to you and those around you.

You’ll be equipped to tailor your communications and interactions with your colleagues, but also to wider groups and stakeholders outside your own “tendency bubble”. And we’ll even spend some time action-planning how you will use these techniques in real life.

Life-changing is how I would describe Think Productive's methods.

Sonia, Symantec Global Consulting

Individual Productivity Ninja® training at your desk.

The relentless cycle of back-to-back meetings, endless emails, and work overload can make big-picture thinking feel like a luxury. Spend a day with one of our Productivity Ninja® experts, and we’ll put you back in the driving seat.

Our human, practical, no-nonsense approach will help you in multiple areas – email, workflow, procrastination, decision-making, prioritization, working smarter with your PA. Whatever it is that you need to feel ‘Ninja-fied’ and in control.

We start with a diagnostic session to help us establish what needs to change. Then we deploy the best bits from all our workshops to assist you in implementing change right there at your desk.

Clients tell us that spending a day with a Productivity Ninja® is life-changing. The impact is immediate, and the positive repercussions are felt in their lives outside of work as well.


An eye-opener and a great framework for managing the pressures of life.

John, University of Bristol

Making great work happen, wherever we are.

Hybrid work remains tricky. And so, many organizations continue searching for their optimal blend of office and remote work that combines the best of both worlds.

Join us as we reflect on what we can learn and build on from our and others’ hybrid work experiences. We then inspire and equip you with Productivity Ninja® mindset, strategies, and practical techniques to reimagine how you work and thrive in the new hybrid workplace.

This has given me permission to be more productive and take control of my own ways of working and agenda.

Jane, Diageo

Manage outcomes. Give Control. Build Trust.

How do you manage people you can’t see – or not all the time? What does “Office Hours” mean?

When people have conflicting work and personal priorities and flexible remote schedules, how do you make sure that work gets done? Is high value work even possible when we are infrequently in the same space? What role does tech play in all of this?

Delivered by one of our expert Productivity Ninjas® (all of whom work remotely), this two-hour interactive workshop looks at strategic perspectives as well as practical techniques and tools, helping you lead a productive, agile, happy, and informed hybrid team.

How I work directly reflects and influences my staff. Gave me lots to think about!

Poppy, Crown Prosecution Service

Be the Project Manager that wows the rest.

We all have to deliver high-value project outcomes. But not all of us have formal Project Management qualifications. So how do we achieve what we need to achieve?

By the end of this workshop, participants will have a simple, repeatable framework for delivering large and small projects on time, on budget, and effectively. Every time.

We’ll cover all key aspects of project management training, enabling you to build a project from scratch.  Working on your own real-life case study, you will learn and apply the many tools and techniques involved.

This workshop deals with planning, estimating time, budgeting and costing, and risk analysis. We also explore the ‘people’ skills involved: communicating with project teams, stakeholders, and project champions.

Who should attend?

  • Anybody new to Project Management
  • Anybody with just a little experience in Project Management and looking to build on their skills

Amazing session. So much to take away and really use.

John, Diageo


Making it stick!

We're passionate about creating real change that lasts and truly embedding new habits. That's why every workshop participant gets exclusive access to The Productivity Ninja Academy

A tablet device displays the 'Productivity Ninja Academy' website on the display

Let's get the ball rolling

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